Please take care to read the regulations of Domaine International de Rouville in preparation for your visit with us.
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Please take care to read the regulations of Domaine International de Rouville in preparation for your visit with us.
Regulations updated on January 1, 2025.
1. Standards for camping units
1.1. Definition of camping unit
A camping unit (hereinafter, “Camping Unit”) is defined as any recreational vehicle, including any trailer, tent trailer, fifth-wheel trailer and motorhome.
1.2. Authorized camping unit
Any seasonal customer and any new seasonal customer (hereinafter, “Customer”) of the Domaine International de Rouville (hereinafter, “Domaine”) wishing to bring a new Camping Unit to the Domaine site (hereinafter, “Campsite”) must comply with the following conditions concerning their Camping Unit:
a) The dimensions permitted for vehicles are left to the discretion of the Domaine. Units that can be towed by a motor vehicle or attached to it and registered under the laws of a province or country are accepted. A patio, a gallery, a shed, a fireplace are considered accessories;
b) Camping Units must be less than 20 years old;
(c) A disused unit is not considered to be a Camping Unit permitted on the site and cannot, therefore, be installed on a campsite lot (hereinafter, “Land”). A disused unit is a unit that has lost its primary purpose, which was to serve as a means of transportation, regardless of the degree of transformation of the vehicle.
1.3. Camping unit in good condition
The Client must keep his Camping Unit in a condition deemed satisfactory by the Estate according to the established standards. If the Estate considers that the Camping Unit is in an unsatisfactory condition, it must notify the Client and give a period of fifteen (15) days to correct the situation. Failing which, the Estate may cancel the rental contract (hereinafter, “Contract”).
1.4. Prohibited foundation
The Customer may not remove the wheels, the base of a camping unit and the coupling system, and install the camping unit on any foundation.
1.5. New camping unit
Any new Camping Unit must be previously authorized by the Estate before entering the campsite. In particular, photos of any new Camping Unit must be provided to the Estate.
1.6. Other facilities
Any tent is prohibited, even temporarily or for the purpose of housing Guests or Visitors.
Only one shed is permitted on each lot. Any new seasonal worker will only be entitled to one (1) shed on their lot, even if there were previously 2 sheds on the lot. A former seasonal worker retains their acquired right if they remain on the same lot. The acquired right is not transferable in the event of a transfer of land or owner.
The maximum size allowed for a shed is 8' by 12'. The height allowed is 9'6”, not exceeding the height of the camping unit. Flat roofs are permitted.
The maximum size allowed for a gazebo is 12' by 12', maximum 9' in height. The accessory must not obstruct the neighbor's view and it is forbidden to close it with a canvas in the absence of the owner. Mosquito nets are tolerated.
A rigid awning is permitted. The length must not exceed the length of the camping unit, the height must not exceed the maximum height of 9 feet, the depth must be 8' maximum and the height of the floor from the ground must not exceed the height of the base of the door of the unit.
2. Standards for camping units
2.1. Issuance of an identity card
The Estate issues to the Client, as well as to any person mentioned in the Contract (hereinafter, "Guests"), an identity card giving the right of access on foot or by bicycle to the Campsite. Other persons who are not mentioned in the Contract (hereinafter, "Visitors") must pay the applicable rates in force which are displayed at the entrance to the Campsite, in the Regulations or in the Contract.
The identity card must be presented at each entry and exit by all occupants of the car. Also, the card must be presented to the employees of the Domaine upon their request.
2.2. Personal information
The Client understands and consents to the Domaine retaining certain personal information about the Client in connection with the granting of an identity card, pursuant to the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (Act 25 respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector, c. P-39-1). The Domaine may retain this information for the entire duration of its Contract with the Client.
3. Access cards and stickers
3.1. Issuance of access card and stickers
The Contract between the Customer and the Estate includes the granting of an access card, valid for one (1) vehicle only. The access card is valid for the duration of the customer order.
Any additional vehicle or electric transportation device (cube, trailer, electric cart, electric bicycle, electric scooter, tricycle, etc.) must have a sticker in order to be eligible for the site. Any sticker for an additional vehicle or equipment subject to the applicable rates will be subject to the applicable rates in force.
3.2. Parking the vehicle
The Client agrees to respect the signage regarding the places designated by the Estate for parking. It is prohibited to park a vehicle on vacant land.
Any vehicle parked in a location not designated as such may be towed at the Customer's expense.
3.2.1. Connecting an electric vehicle
As part of the use of the campsite's electrical facilities, campers wishing to plug in their electric vehicle must purchase an access sticker. This sticker is mandatory for any use of the site's electricity for recharging an electric vehicle.
Conditions of acquisition: the sticker can be obtained from the campsite management, upon payment of an annual or seasonal rate defined by the management. The acquisition of this sticker allows the camper to use the electricity from their pitch to recharge their electric vehicle, in compliance with the rules and safety defined by the campsite.
Pricing: the price for purchasing the sticker is set by the campsite management and can be revised each year. This price covers the use of electricity for recharging the electric vehicle for the duration of the season or stay, according to the terms specified at the time of sale of the sticker.
Terms of use: The sticker allows you to use the electricity supplied to the camper's location to recharge an electric vehicle.
Duration and validity of the sticker: The sticker is valid only for the duration of the season or the camper's stay, and cannot be transferred to other users. Any request for an extension must be the subject of a new sticker acquisition.
Responsibility and safety: Campers must ensure that their vehicle and charging equipment comply with current safety standards. The campsite cannot be held responsible for any incident related to improper use of electrical installations or defective equipment.
Failure to comply with the rules: Any abusive or non-compliant use of electrical installations (for example, connecting a vehicle without a valid sticker) may result in suspension of access to electricity and sanctions, in accordance with the campsite's internal regulations.
3.3. Use and loss of the access card and stickers
Any transfer of cards or stickers is prohibited.
In the event of loss of the access card or sticker, the Customer will have to pay the additional costs in force for obtaining a new access card or sticker.
4. Road traffic
4.1. Road safety
Road traffic on the site must comply with the regulations imposed by the Highway Safety Code as well as the notice boards issued by the Estate.
4.2. Cars, trucks, other motor vehicles, electric bicycles and electric scooters
Cars, trucks, other motor vehicles, electric bicycles and electric scooters must circulate on the site at a maximum and safe speed of 10 km/h.
4.3. Electric cart
All drivers of electric carts must have a valid class 5 driver's license and current car insurance. A person with a probationary license cannot drive an electric cart on the streets of the Domaine.
All electric cars must be equipped with front headlights to ensure visibility at all times of the day.
Every electric cart must be provided with a sticker in accordance with clause 3.1 of the Regulations. This sticker must be displayed visibly on the front left of the electric cart.
The number of passengers allowed per cart depends on its seats.
4.4. Tricycles
Any tricycle will be considered as an additional vehicle requiring the obtaining of a sticker in accordance with clause 3.1 of the Regulations, as well as the possession of a class 5 driving licence and current motor insurance.
The number of people allowed is according to the foundations of the latter.
4.5. Bicycle and other means of transport with or without motor
The Customer acknowledges that the Highway Safety Code is applicable when using a bicycle or other means of transport with or without a motor on the Campsite. Any bicycle or other means of transport with or without a motor used must be in good condition and equipped with appropriate reflectors. Wearing a helmet and a front headlight are suggested.
Any person using any means of transport equipped with a motor must be 18 years of age or older.
5. Aquatic facilities
5.1. Private swimming pool and spa
5.1.1. Prior approval
Subject to the approval of the Estate, the Client may install a round swimming pool with a maximum size of 12' or a spa on his Land.
Under no circumstances are pool platforms tolerated. The pool must not be inflatable.
5.1.2. Applicable laws and regulations
The swimming pool must comply with the construction standards established by the Domaine, as well as all the standards mentioned in the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act (chapter S-3.1.02) and the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulations (chapter S-3.1.02, r. 1).
5.1.3. Conditions of use
All pool or spa motors and filters, as well as any decorative fountains, must be turned off after 11:00 p.m. Spas must be covered when unattended. Children's wading pools must be emptied every evening and cannot be left unattended during the day.
5.2. Water park and beaches
5.2.1. Instructions
The Client must comply with the regulations submitted by any lifeguard. Any instructions given by a lifeguard must be respected and are binding.
Swimsuits are mandatory. Any swimmer who does not respect these rules will be refused access to the swimming area by the staff on duty.
5.2.2. Opening hours
All swimming is prohibited in the absence of lifeguards and outside the hours prescribed by the Estate. The hours, days and opening areas are variable and may be modified without notice by the Estate.
Depending on the availability of staff and qualified lifeguards, the Domaine cannot guarantee the opening of a body of water. Also, in the event of closure for situations beyond the Domaine's control, particularly due to weather conditions, no refund will be made by the Domaine.
6. Animals
6.1. Pets
Only dogs and cats are allowed on the Domaine site. Other domestic animals are strictly prohibited.
A maximum of two (2) pets per Contract is permitted. The pets of the parties to the Contract must be previously declared to the Estate when signing the Contract.
Pets of Guests and Visitors are prohibited.
6.2. Maintenance
The Customer is responsible for the health, cleanliness and behavior of his animals.
6.3. Security
Animals are prohibited near the swimming areas, picnic areas and playgrounds of the Campsite. Dogs must be kept on a leash with a maximum length of 1.85 m or tied up at all times, even on the Client's Land. In addition, dogs over 20 kg must wear a harness or halter.
It is forbidden to feed wild animals.
6.4. Applicable laws and regulations
The Client agrees to comply at all times with Regulation number 936-20 relating to animals in the municipality of Saint-Jean-Baptiste or any other standard issued by the Domaine.
7. Construction, repair and maintenance
7.1. Construction
7.1.1. Building permit
Any renovation or construction on a Land must be carried out in such a way as to allow the dismantling and removal of the Client's property easily.
Subject to the approval of the Estate, any renovation or construction must be carried out following approval of the plans and obtaining a building or renovation permit issued by the Estate upon payment by the Client of the non-refundable rates in force.
These permits are valid for the current season and must be displayed for the duration of the work.
7.1.2. Plan
Before carrying out any construction, renovation or modifications, even partial, the Client must first find out about the applicable standards and also provide a detailed plan of the work he wishes to carry out.
The said plan must be approved in advance by the Estate. This plan thus approved cannot be modified without the signed agreement of the Estate.
7.1.3. Applicable laws and regulations
These constructions, changes or modifications must be carried out in accordance with municipal regulations, applicable legislation, in particular the Building Act (chapter B-1.1) and in accordance with the conditions of the Domain.
7.1.4. Authorized periods
All construction must be carried out during the permitted construction periods, namely:
- From the opening of the Campsite until June 15, and;
- From August 15 until the closing of the Campsite.
During permitted construction periods, the Client must carry out its work between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
7.1.5. Prohibitions
The construction of kitchenettes and sheds is prohibited. However, maintenance work on kitchenettes and sheds is permitted. The construction of gazebos is permitted, subject to respecting the view rights of the neighborhood and other customers.
Fences, hedges, and any other obstructions located at the rear of the occupied seasonal site are prohibited for reasons of health, public safety and renovation of the electrical network. If such fences, hedges or obstructions exist, they must be removed immediately upon receipt of a notice to this effect. All electrical poles must be free of any object within a perimeter of three (3) feet.
7.1.6. Ownership of modifications
Any renovation or construction on a Land does not grant any property rights to the Client. Any construction remains the property of the Client and must be moved or demolished in the event of cancellation or termination of the Contract or non-compliance with construction standards.
7.1.7. Dismantling
The Estate may require the dismantling of any construction, renovation or modification that has not been approved by the Estate or is considered to be non-compliant with the standards established by the Estate.
7.2. Electricity
The Domaine provides a 20 or 30 amp electrical connection per plot.
Access to and modification of electrical boxes is strictly prohibited for safety reasons. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the automatic termination of the Contract and the immediate expulsion of the Customer, along with all of their equipment.
Electric heating equipment, portable air conditioning units (window air conditioners) and electric water heaters are prohibited.
The Customer, with the exception of the refrigerator in his camping unit, may have only one refrigerator.
The Estate may inspect and require the removal or replacement of any non-compliant electrical equipment or components. When not at the Campsite, the Client agrees to turn off all air conditioning and electrical equipment.
7.3. Non-potable water
Water on the Campsite is not potable and must be boiled for at least one (1) minute before consumption. Any consumption of water is at the consumer's own risk.
7.4. Lighting
The Customer may have three (3) light bulbs on his/her Land, including one (1) energy-efficient light bulb at the entrance to his/her Land and one (1) light bulb outside his/her camping unit. With the exception of the Camper's Christmas, Christmas lights, decorative light streamers and projectors are prohibited.
The Estate may inspect and require the removal of any non-compliant lighting and source of light pollution. When not at the Campsite, the Customer agrees to turn off all lighting or air conditioning.
7.5. Propane gas
The Customer may not walk around the Campsite with a propane gas tank of one hundred (100) pounds or more, but any tank of this capacity located on the Customer's Land must be securely secured.
For safety reasons, propane gas may not be stored inside a shed at any time. It must be kept outside, visible to all.
It is forbidden to throw away any propane gas tanks. These must be brought to the designated location.
7.6. Cleanliness and waste treatment
The Client agrees to maintain his Land and his property and keep them clean and free of all waste. The Client also agrees to use waterproof and lockable bins and to place them on the path on the morning of waste collection.
If a Customer has large furniture, construction waste or other items in front of their land, they must notify the Estate to make an appointment for collection (fees will apply).
When the Client leaves the site, he ensures that his land is clean and free of waste.
7.7. Trees
It is forbidden to damage, cut or attach anything to trees.
8. Business activities
The Customer may not carry out commercial activities on the Campsite, with the exception of garage sales in the area set up for this purpose and designated by the Estate. No commercial advertising is permitted on the Customer's Land.
9. Festivities
Subject to the approval of the Estate and with the exception of pedestrian evenings, the Client may not hold a reception or have music on his Land.
At all times, noise levels, noise hours, reduced traffic and traffic bans must be respected. The curfew is at 11 p.m.
10. Security
10.1. Emergency
In case of emergency, the Client must contact 911 and the Estate at 514-863-8792. The Client is responsible, to the exclusion of any liability of the Estate, for the payment of all costs associated with external emergency services.
10.2. Violence
No verbal or physical violence will be tolerated towards employees, customers, animals, Guests or Visitors of the Estate. Any violence will automatically and immediately result in the expulsion of the offender and may be subject to a notice, penalty or expulsion of the Client if he is not the offender.
10.3. Drugs and alcohol
It is prohibited, in accordance with the Quebec Cannabis Regulation Act (chapter C-5.3), the Canadian Cannabis Act (LC 2018, chapter 16) or the Criminal Code (chapter C-46), to sell, manufacture or prepare any product containing narcotics or cannabis. It is also prohibited to consume any narcotic or cannabis in the public areas of the Campground.
Regarding alcohol, no glass containers are allowed in public areas. It is also prohibited to sell or manufacture alcohol.
Any violation of this paragraph will result in the immediate expulsion of the offender and may be subject to a notice, penalty or expulsion of the Client if he is not the offender.
10.4. Fire
Fire pits are permitted on the Domaine site three (3) feet from any flammable object, away from trailers, trees and fences. It is necessary to use the fireplace available on the site and it is suggested to use a fire screen.
Caution is required. The Customer may not leave a fire unattended. The Customer must ensure that sparks do not affect other people's equipment.
10.5. Pyrotechnic objects
Fireworks are prohibited on the Domaine site.
11. Subletting and assignment
11.1. Subletting
11.1.1. Land
The Customer may validly sublet his/her Land to a third party for the entire current year only subject to applicable fees and provided that the camping unit is less than 20 years old. The Customer may not sublet his/her Land more than once per season.
Subletting land for profit is strictly prohibited.
11.1.2. Camping unit and equipment
Subject to the approval of the Estate, the Client may sublet his Camping Unit, its property and equipment, including the shed, pavilion, gazebo and/or balcony for the entire season.
As of 2026, subletting of trailers older than 20 years will be prohibited.
11.1.3. Joint and several liability
The Client is jointly and severally liable for the payment of the rates, fees, deposits and penalties of his subtenant. He is also responsible for the behavior and good conduct of his subtenant, without the possibility of reimbursement or financial compensation in the event of eviction of the subtenant, the members of the latter's family, the latter's Guests and Visitors.
11.2. Assignment
11.2.1. Land
Subject to the approval of the Estate and compliance with the standards concerning Camping Units provided for in clause 1 of the Regulations, the Client may assign his Contract. In the event of such an assignment, the following conditions apply:
a) The Customer who wishes to transfer his Contract is responsible, to the exclusion of any liability of the Domain, for any legal obligation towards the customer who wishes to take over the Contract (“customer-transferee”).
b) The client-transferee accepts the Land as is, without recourse against the Estate.
c) Any renovation or construction on or to the Land shall be at the expense of the client-assignee.
d) Where applicable, the client-transferee is responsible for ensuring the existence and payment of property taxes (municipal and school) by calling the Municipality of Saint-Jean-Baptiste at 450 467-3456.
e) The Client-Assignee agrees to sign any other documents required by the Estate, and to be bound by the Regulations.
(f) Non-refundable transfer fees, including deposits, storage fees, bank charges, penalties and any other remaining payments, apply to any assignment of a Contract.
g) A transfer fee is payable by the Client who wishes to transfer his applicable Contract when an established seasonal worker requests a change of land.
h) A file opening fee is applicable to any new seasonal worker.
11.2.2. Camping unit
The Estate reserves the right to authorize or not the sale, assignment or transfer of any Camping Units on the Campsite. In particular, Camping Units that do not comply with clause 1 of the Regulations may not be sold, assigned or otherwise transferred.
12. Insurance
The Client undertakes to provide valid insurance to the Estate against theft, fire, vandalism and civil liability each time he concludes or renews his Contract with the Estate. The Client undertakes not to leave any valuable equipment in his camping unit in his absence.
The Client releases the Estate from any liability in the event of theft, fire, vandalism and natural disaster, as well as for any damage caused by trees or tree branches.
13. Contract
The contract is valid for 2 adults, 4 children and access to one vehicle.
13.1 Payment terms
a) The entire season must be paid before May 1st of each year.
b) Storage fees will be applied to the following items: swimming pool, spa, shed, gazebo, outdoor kitchen, trailer. These fees must be paid before October 15 of each year.
c) Definition of storage: this is anything you leave on your land during the closed season.